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New Name. New Look. Same great programs.

Today marks our change over from The 24 Foundation to Awaken Arts. We are so glad that you are joining us on our journey.

Why the change you ask?

1) Our foundation name was based on a film that was created by our founder and each mentor would have to explain her whole story if asked why is it called 24. Instead we wanted a name that really highlighed what we do and have each individual share their own experience instead of the founder's.

2) We found out that in the nonprofit community the word "foundation" means that you already have a donor that funds you (which we do not) or that we are funders that give away money (wish we could but we don't).

So our friends at Regular Hero suggested we go through a rebrand and helped us figure out what that meant and how to implement it. They connected us to artist and designer Daniel Quinones from Sticky Rice, who helped us make our paper and pencil ideas for a logo into a digital reality.

Thank you for all of you that read and proof read all of our site and created the elements that went into the site. Please also follow us on social media @awakenarts

Special thanks to: The Regular Hero Crew - John McNichol, Arnold Jimenez, Oscar Jimenez, The Sticky Rice Crew - Daniel Quinones and Melissa Leslie, Kainos 8 for transferring all of our web data and helping with tweaks to design, and the Awaken Arts staff who diligently looked through the website on their time off.

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